Pragmatic Advantages of Free Software
Free software is distinguished by good quality because the code is studied and revised by a great number of programmers. The packages of free software are usually well designed in order to attract many developer communities. Another pragmatic advantage of the software in question is considered to be its security. This fact is explained by the key and lock argument. The existing lock of free software is well kept. In addition, free software as well as proprietary software can be regarded as stable ones. Despite of the fact, that nowadays up-to-date versions of the software appear at great speed, still a computer user gives preference either to the previous or latest versions.
If the original developing company puts an end to its activity, you can always address another software company to find the necessary support. Moreover a user has unrestricted freedom to decide on the software and to use it for his/her purposes as long as s/he wishes. All the users have the possibility to share with experience with each other.
The Variability Advantage
Free Software is developed to be adapted to the computer user’s needs. A computer user is given the freedom to revise and make changes in free software. Such freedom of revising and redistribution increases the variability of the program, making it available for the other users. The changes are usually accepted by the package maintainers. When the corrections do not present great interest, they can be rejected. They can also exist in the limited niche, for which they were developed.
As opposed to free software developers, proprietary software companies search for a niche beforehand. A computer user is not allowed to modify the software for the other niches. In spite of the fact, that a great number of proprietary software copies can be sold, still their software is distinguished by reduced variability in comparison with the free software companies.