How to Update Webalizer Stats on Directadmin

By | April 19, 2008

As you know, Webalizer stats are usually updated once a day, when using a Directadmin server. What to do, if you need more current stats? Here are some solutions (work good for me on CentOS 4).

If you need to update all server accounts, just type in the following command as root:

echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

In order to update stats for a single domain, here is another command:

/usr/bin/webalizer -p -n |DOMAIN| -o /home/|USER|/domains/|DOMAIN|/stats /var/log/httpd/domains/|DOMAIN|.log

Just replace |USER| with domain username and |DOMAIN| with domain itself and have fun!